+44 (0)1368 865 722
As a former Third Engineer Officer (including Health and Safety Officer) in the Merchant Navy, Mr Todd served deep-sea and worldwide with P&O Nedlloyd, then the world’s largest container-shipping company. Mr Todd currently project manages OSC’s contracts worldwide for the scientific, commercial and defence sectors. As co-author on the Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Handbook (www.amazon.co.uk), he continues to keep abreast of working environments at the MMO (www.marinemammalobserver.co.uk) and PAM (www.pamoperator.co.uk) coalface, by maintaining his licence as a Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) accredited MMO, and a trained MMO and PAM Operator as per the New Zealand Department Of Conservation’s (DOC) ‘2013 Code of Conduct for minimising acoustic disturbance to marine mammals from seismic survey operations’ (www.CodeOfConductSeismicNewZealand.co.nz).
Mr Todd is undertaking part-time postgraduate research in harbour porpoise (and other marine mammal) interactions with offshore installations and the environment at ISVR (PhD, Southampton University, UK). He holds degrees in Marine Resource, Development & Protection (NERC-funded MSc scholarship, Heriot-Watt University, UK) and Business & Economics (BCom with Honours, Edinburgh University, UK), various diplomas including Marine Engineering (HND, Glasgow College of Nautical Studies, UK), and a Marine Engineering Officer Certificate of Dual Competency (Class IV Steam and Motor Plants, Maritime & Coastguard Agency, UK).
Research interests include echolocation, bioacoustics generally, the effects of noise on marine life, and distance sampling. Mr Todd’s experience includes survey design and project management, field equipment installation and technical support, measurement and analyses. Current scientific duties include training, survey design and project management, fieldwork, data analysis, reports, literature reviews, advice documents, Marine Mammal Mitigation Plans or Protocols (MMMPs), publishing, recruitment, procurement, logistics, finance, brand development, environmental risk assessments, and Health & Safety (H&S).
He is an Advanced Instructor in SCUBA diving for numerous specialities (and over a decade ago, was the youngest First Class Diver in the British Sub-Aqua Club, then with a membership >40,000), power-boat instructor, small-vessel skipper, and photographer (including underwater).